Sunday, June 24, 2012

Public Humiliation

I have to ask, do any of you other dogs out there have to endure this sort of public humiliation? My humans like to dress me up according to whichever peopl-ish holiday it is, snap photos, and post them on facebook. Yes, on facebook...where hundreds of other people can see them. It's downright degrading, it is. I endure it, though, and do ya know why? Well, those two nearly fur-less humans of mine are just so cute, and, really, how can you say "No" to them? Though it's difficult to see here, I allowed myself to be festooned with lace ribbon & flowers for my humans' wedding.

I have been cruising around the internet a bit lately, and 
discovered that I am not the only canine who has humans fascinated by themed outfits. Over at Sarge Speaks Out poor Frankie Furter is trotted out in flowers, pajamas, a Grinch outfit, and dresses. I gotta say, though, Frankie looks quite dashing in front of a ya'll get it..."dashing", "sleigh"? Anyway, there is further evidence of Frankie Furter's tremendous patience on his personal page. I would love to hear any of your wardrobe victories, malfunctions, or horrors. Use the comment box below to Bark or Yip about what you endure for the sake of seeing your fur-less pets smile.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Memories

Today is Memorial Day, a time to remember & thank the Military Veterans both human & canine who've been lost while protecting the freedom and safety of others. Your courage, selflessness, & sacrifice will never be taken for granted or forgotten.

The following War Dog Tribute features dogs from the Vietnam War, but is dedicated to all Canine Soldiers, Past, Present, & Future.


With deepest gratitude for your service & unfathomable sorrow for your sacrifice, 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Barking Behind The Times

Hello Friends!
As the title implies, we tend to run a little behind down here on our island home. Where many, if not all, of my (Yes, yes, Mom..."our") generous patrons have received their copies of my first book, "Billie-Girl's Ruff Life", down island here I have just gotten my paws on my copies. I've gotta say, I'm not entirely displeased. There are some grammatical errors, and I want the font done differently in my next volume, but overall, considering none of us had any experience with professional writing or publishing, it will do. 
More to bark about, but time to snuggle with the makes them feel useful.

Have a great day. 
Write me anytime and share your thoughts, stories, and questions with me!


First Bark Post

Hello, Friends!
As you can tell, I am on "island time". I intended to get this first Bark out by April 30th. By "island time" standards that just means that it won't happen BEFORE April 30th, so by "island time" standards I'm not late!
Most of you visiting my Barking Area probably got here by reading about my blog at the end of my book, Billie-Girl's Ruff Life. I'd like to say thank you for buying my...what? Oh fine, Mom, "our" book. You've helped us be able to contribute the green stuff to the Bahamas Humane Society and the U.S. Humane Society. Hooray for preventing cruelty & neglect!

Now on to the fun stuff!
As you may or may not know....
I'm Billie-Girl and I live in the Bahamas. I was thrown out of a car as a puppy and eventually wound up with my non-furry family living in the Bahamas. We have lots of adventures down here. My latest was due to my Mom's warped sense of humor. Dad found a Chicken Boa (colloquial name for local non-venomous small boa constrictor) skin shed and brought it up to show Mom. She got me wound up and made me think it was a real snake. Even though I know they are not dangerous and are good to have around I still forget sometimes and get excited. When I get excited I want to chase what I'm excited about. *Sigh. Well, anyways, enjoy the video below.

Have a great day and share your adventures with Nature with me!